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Pioneering Biodiversity Investments: 

Gresham House & Pensions for Purpose

Audience Reach:


We touched the screens of almost half a million prospective clients, peers and interested parties.

Article Reads:


Our content captured a significant amount of committed reads, signifying an engaged audience.


18 articles

Published in institutional investor facing magazines in the pensions, general financial and impact press.

Media Highlights:

  • Investments & Pensions Europe

  • Pensions & Investments

  • Pensions Age

  • Professional Pensions

  • & many more 

The Challenge

Gresham House, a specialist alternative asset manager listed on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market (AIM), commissioned a report from Pensions for Purpose on the attitudes of the largest UK pension funds to biodiversity investments.


The perception of institutional investors until that point, was that a lack of choice for biodiversity investments kept them locked out of that market.


Keen to assess where UK asset owners are on their journey of incorporating biodiversity and natural capital, and also to bring their in-house capability and expertise in managing natural capital assets and impact investments to pension fund investors’ attention, Gresham House worked with Pensions for Purpose, and in turn Material Impact, to present where the market currently stands with regard to natural capital-related knowledge and investment.

Our Solution

Working with Pensions for Purpose, Gresham House, and their partners, we selected the most salient talking points from the thought leadership survey and resultant report, helping the client articulate a narrative that was attractive to their target media audience.


We strategically disseminated this special release amongst our extensive journalist network, in what was a competitive news cycle.

The Outcome

This campaign highlighted the fact that Natural capital investments are still in their nascence for the investment industry.

We were able to bring significant media and institutional investor attention to Gresham House's biodiversity investment products, the issue of biodiversity loss and importantly what pension fund investors could do to address this problem.


By sparking substantial lead generation and opening avenues for engaging discussions with prospects, the campaign proved highly beneficial for both Pensions for Purpose and Gresham House.

Tier One Media Coverage:


The report was successfully featured in numerous outlets, including:

Sister publication to Investment & Pensions Europe, the pre-eminent European pensions title, this title focuses on institutional grade real assets.

Pensions & Investments is self-described as the "world's leading newspaper for institutional investing." It has a wide readership amongst institutional investors across the United States and a smaller following in Europe. 

Jonathan Stapleton, Editor-In-Chief, wrote up the biodiversity story for Professional Pensions, an important title within the UK pensions world.

Exploring the biodiversity story from a UK institutional investor perspective, Pensions Age covering the research report secured another important UK pensions publication.

Following a brief interview with Karen Shackleton, Chair and Founder of Pensions for Purpose, Impact Investor published with the storyline of, "Pension funds and asset owners should be warming to the potential and necessity of biodiversity-themed investments."

One of the first publications to run the research, ESG Investor published it to their live news feed, which included featuring a Tweet about the research from the Pensions for Purpose Twitter account.

Environmental Finance is an online news and analysis service established in 1999 to report on sustainable investment, green finance and the people and companies active in environmental markets. 

Corporate Adviser, is read by financial services intermediaries and those in the employee benefits sector. It's a leading title in its field.

+ 10 more outlets


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